Typology, Walking, Reading books/mangas/webtoons/comics, Drawing, Music, Learning new things, Watching movies/shows, Playing videogames, Playing Badminton, Biking, Psychology, Philosophy, History, Geography, Geo-politics, Economics, Maths, HTML/CSS, Old web, Iced Black Tea.. More +
Bees, Boredom, Being forced to do things against my will...

BYF - Before You Follow
I might need tone tags sometimes, so feel free to use them !! I struggle with communicating how i feel in conflicts, pls be patient ^-^'

DNI - Do Not Interact
-14 • +19
Far-right, Bigotry, and overall dont be shitty
Avoid slurs

KINS - Relatable characters
Shinji, Zuko, Ranpo, Shigeo/Mob, Kenzo Tenma...

"Perhaps one did not want to be LOVED so much as to be UNDERSTOOD."

Learning does not make one learned: there are those who have knowledge and those who have understanding.
The first requires memory and the second philosophy.
– The Count of Monte Cristo

illustrated and edited by crowdits / icrowler